Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Hello again

So I really havent written anything here in over a year.

Things have really changed since last time. I now live in Stockholm in a 2 bedroom apartment with my 2 dogs. I attend a new school with an amazing education about dogs and other animals that will give me a cert to work at a petstore as a petcarer.
I dont really like the city its to big and I wanna go live out in the country as soon as I get away from this place.

Got alot of new friends and I love my classmates.

Other than that I´m just over alot of things, getting really sick of people and their bullshit so I´m just cutting people out that really arent worth the effort anymore.
Why should I bother to even try.
Out with the old, in with the new.

Also A7X realsed their new album awhile back and I love it every singel song, going to the concert in november which I´m really excited about.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

So I have the best boyfriend in the world hands down, school is going awesome. Getting some kickass grades so far.

Tomorrow me and babe are going to pick up our baby!! We are so damn excited. He´s so beautiful and I cant wait to have him in my arms. I can tell Sheldon is very exicted to get a little brother as well.

It´s going to be a long drive 8-9 hours atleast but it´s so worth it!

Went shopping for leash, collor and stuffs today!

More updates and pics when hes home with us!

Monday, September 17, 2012


So I couldt be any happier than I am now
Life is good Tim moved in alittle more than a month ago, sure things are going in ultraspeed but it feels so fucking right. I can´t imagen life without him.

We got a new car where we can fit the dogs..instead of the deathmachine he has now.

School is going great execpt it being abit stressful but its nice.

We started looking for a puppy so hopfully around x-mas we will be sheltie owners so im dead exicted about that.

Sheldon went into his first competion this weekend and got a BIR - 3 and a HP so it went kickass.

This weekend we also went to see the new Resident Evil with my babe, Timmie and Joakim. The movie was soso but still tons of fun. After that we went to Pitchers (bar) did some shots and just had a good time.

Sunday me and Timmie went to visit his cousin Dennis and his girlfriend and their newborn son. Was fun and really nice to finally meet them!

Never felt like this before, soulmates do exsist. <3

Monday, September 10, 2012

Jag tänker på dig hela tiden, Baby..Vila i frid..

Jag minns den gången då du drömde att du dog..Du vaknade till och såg hur jag tömde dig på blod..Jag ville hålla dig trött och svag så du inte fick för dig att göra nått du kunde ha dött utav..

Även fast du är död var det en gång du och jag.

Jag tror att du älskade mig mer än vad jag någonsin kunde älska dig..

 Jag saknar dig verkligen här nere flyger tiden förbi..Jag tänker på dig hela tiden..baby vila i frid..

Jag vet att det var tufft för dig där mot slutet..Ditt sista andetag jag tittade in i dina ögon och sa att jag mådde så förbannat bra..Och det är inte så att jag är sinnessjuk..Men det var känslan att hålla din kropp när ditt liv rann ut..Det var första gången jag verkligen kunde se dig..Det var den finaste presenten du någonsin kunde ge mig..

Jag tänker på dig hela tiden, Baby..Vila i frid..

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Fresh start

Haven´t written here in soo soo long, it´s so weird how things change so fast things have gone from bad to worse to better and awesome.

Just started school and well..school is hard but its a nice challange I´m really exicted about the english course.

Gonna put Sheldon in a show in like a month but my friend will show him cause I´m to scared to but I hope he will do well ofcourse.

I just emailed a huuuge hamsterbreeder about 2 females from one of her litters so we´ll see if she responds and I pray for a good respons finding the right hamsters are way harder then I thought.

Loving my life in the apartment. Nice to be standing on my own to say the least. There´s a big change going on here in like 3 weeks doh but I´ll wait with that reveal ;)

Top things atm is saturday finally gona get some well needed time with my girlfriend..man I missed her so, we´re gona drink and be silly then hitting the clubz for some well needed dancing.

Tim is going to a bachelor-party so I´m sure he will be amused as well ;P

Right now I´m downloading word and powerpoint for my computercourse then gonna start on some schoolwork.

On the more seriouse topic it kinda feels like my bestfriends died and alltho I don´t think he will be reading this I want him to know I am truly greatful for all the thing he taught me and everytime I look on the wall next to my bed and see that drawing I smile and think about all the GOOD moments we had togheter.

Being angry isn´t good for anyone, I hope you find you´r happiness I know you will. You´r fantastic in you´r own little twisted way. I miss you.

A good friend once told me "In the end all the bad things come back to me in faded black and grey, while the good things pop out in bright colors."

Saturday, October 1, 2011


So Ive come to realize that I complain alot about how much people have changed now adays..Today it just struck me like the palm on an abused womans face..that I am the one that have changed..I feel like I don´t fit in with my friends anymore..not saying I don´t like my old friends..its just that we dont have much incomon..I feel like an total alien..not wanting do to the stuff we usly did.. Somtimes I really wonder if I should just move away from the civilisation..it´s hectic and stressful trying to fit in..I dont want to twist and squeeze mysef to fit in with everyone else..I want to be somwhere were I feel like I just fall into place...

- Peace out.

Friday, September 9, 2011


It is time for some drastic changes in my life and you are no longer included.
People grow apart..that´s life..we had a good run but I´m starting to realize that you are more a backstabbing ho than my friend. I need to get rid of all the bad in my life and frankly..just the thought of you makes me sick..it makes me want to puke..the sight of you makes me want to scratch my fucking eyes out.

You will drown in your lies and your misery..carma will come and slap your face off belive me.
It´s time for you to find somone else to pull your shit with.

It´s so stupid, you think everyone loves you when infact everyone hates you.. and the people you think are your friends..oh it makes me laugh so hard..they would trade you in for a peny.

Seriously Fuck you bitch.